atmospheric autumn berlin card cold colorful colourful distance fog foggy forest germany grunewald Kiesgrube landscape leaves loneliness magic magical melancholy meteorology mist misty moody Morning mysterious nature october outlook perspective relax rural scene sadness scene scenics silhouette solitude Tranquil Scene tree trees walk walkway weather November wet frohnau octomber beach blue calm cloudless Dianasee house idyllic lake lakeside march reflection reflections relaxation romantic rural scenery sketch sky spring view water abstract Alaska arctic backdrop background bear bears christmas circle claus far father finland fishbone glacier hill ice illustration moon night north pine pines polar pole Santa season siberia snow snowflake stars tundra vector white wild wildlife winter xmas evening fantasy grief grieving Herthasee January mystic beautiful branch branches canal clouds countryside day environment farm farmhouse farmland fell fells field fields flora grass hills horizon natural path plant plants reed reeds scenic stalk stalks sunlight walking weirdvis

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5 0 grade account_circle foggy autumn landscape
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2 0 grade account_circle foggy autumn landscape 4
13 3 grade account_circle foggy autumn forest walkway
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57 2 grade account_circle Canal Path
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10 2 grade account_circle lake in autumn fog 3
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2 0 grade account_circle calm palm reflections2
73 5 grade account_circle sad atmosphere
31 0 grade account_circle mystic lakeside
4 2 grade account_circle foggy pond scenery
52 3 grade account_circle Dead tree
67 12 grade account_circle Dead tree
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35 2 grade account_circle Spectacular Sunset 2
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